
A ReactiveProperty is a simple wrapper around the Meteor dependency system and allows to easily set and get values that trigger reactivity. This can be useful in any situation where you want some state to automagically change when the value of this property changes.

new ReactiveProperty(defaultValue)

You can call the constructor without any parameters, the default value of the property is null. If you provide a single parameter then this value is taken as default value.

Name Type Description
defaultValue *

(optional) default value of the property


Constructing Reactive Properties

If you don't specify any default value on creation of the property then the default value will be set to null. Otherwise you can provide a single parameter as default value. Setting and getting the property is straight forward as in any other system.

// no defeault value defined
var reactiveProperty = new ReactiveProperty();
reactiveProperty.get(); // will return null

// with default value
var reactiveProperty = new ReactiveProperty("test");
reactiveProperty.get(); // will return "test"


get() → {*}

Returns the value of the reactive property and makes the current computation depend on this property via the Meteor dependency system.


set(value) → {undefined}

Sets the value of the reactive property and invalidates all Meteor computations that depend on this property.

Name Type Description
value *

the new value of the property


Code Examples

Constructing Reactive Properties

If you don't specify any default value on creation of the property then the default value will be set to null. Otherwise you can provide a single parameter as default value. Setting and getting the property is straight forward as in any other system.

// no defeault value defined
var reactiveProperty = new ReactiveProperty();
reactiveProperty.get(); // will return null

// with default value
var reactiveProperty = new ReactiveProperty("test");
reactiveProperty.get(); // will return "test"